Hyperkit 0.0.2

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Detail & Accordion

Detail and Accordion elements that can be used together for expandable content, with optional accordion functionality and smooth transitions.

The <hyperkit-accordion /> element allows you to create an accordion where only one section can be open at a time, while the <hyperkit-detail /> element can be used independently or within an accordion for expandable sections. Both elements support smooth transitions and custom styling.

This is some example content for the detail item.


Import the JS:

import "@hyperkitxyz/elements/detail";


<hyperkit-detail-summoner summons="detail-id"><button>Open Detail</button></hyperkit-detail-summoner>
<hyperkit-detail id="detail-id">…</hyperkit-detail>

<hyperkit-detail /> Options

idString (required)Unique identifier for the detail. This is required to link the <hyperkit-detail-summoner /> to the correct detail content.
hiddenBoolean (optional)If set, the detail content is hidden by default. Can be toggled programmatically.

<hyperkit-detail-summoner /> Options

summonsString (required)The id of the associated <hyperkit-detail /> that this summoner controls. Clicking the summoner will toggle the visibility of the detail linked by the id.

<hyperkit-accordion /> Options

There are no specific options for <hyperkit-accordion />. It automatically manages the visibility of nested <hyperkit-detail /> elements, ensuring only one is open at a time.


<!-- Standalone Detail -->
<hyperkit-detail-summoner summons="detail-id"><button>Open Detail</button></hyperkit-detail-summoner>
<hyperkit-detail id="detail-id">Detail content</hyperkit-detail>

<!-- Accordion with Multiple Details -->
  <hyperkit-detail-summoner summons="detail-1"><button>Open Detail 1</button></hyperkit-detail-summoner>
  <hyperkit-detail id="detail-1">Detail content 1</hyperkit-detail>
  <hyperkit-detail-summoner summons="detail-2"><button>Open Detail 2</button></hyperkit-detail-summoner>
  <hyperkit-detail id="detail-2">Detail content 2</hyperkit-detail>

<hyperkit-detail-summoner />

  • Acts as the trigger for expanding or collapsing the detail content.
  • Must contain a <button /> for accessibility and be linked to a <hyperkit-detail /> via the summons attribute.

<hyperkit-detail />

  • Holds the content that will be shown or hidden.
  • Hidden by default unless explicitly set to visible or controlled programmatically.

JavaScript API

The hyperkit-detail element provides a simple JavaScript API to interact with its visibility. There is no JavaScript API for hyperkit-accordion.

Showing or Hiding Details

The hyperkit-detail exposes summon() and dismiss() methods to control visibility.

Example Usage

const detail = document.querySelector("hyperkit-detail");

// Show the detail

// Hide the detail

Listening for Visibility Changes

The hyperkit-detail emits summon and dismiss events that you can listen for using the on method. This is triggered when the visibility of the detail changes.

detail.on("summon", () => {
  console.log("Detail is now open");

detail.on("dismiss", () => {
  console.log("Detail is now closed");


Styling the Details

You can apply custom styles to both the details and their triggers. The button inside <hyperkit-detail-summoner> can be styled to indicate its open state. The trigger button also receives a data-visible attribute when the corresponding detail is visible.

Example of a Styled Detail

This is some example content for the detail item.

<div class="w-96 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-lg p-4">
  <hyperkit-detail-summoner summons="styledDetail">
    <button class="w-full flex justify-between items-center text-left text-sm font-bold text-zinc-700 data-[active]:text-zinc-900 hover:text-zinc-600 transition-colors duration-200">
      Section Title
  <hyperkit-detail id="styledDetail">
    This is some example content for the detail.

Using Transitions

This is some example content for the detail item.

To animate the visibility of the detail, use the <hyperkit-transition /> element for smooth show/hide effects.

  <hyperkit-detail-summoner summons="transitionDetail"><button /></hyperkit-detail-summoner>
  <hyperkit-detail id="transitionDetail">
      enter-class="transition-all duration-500 ease-in"
      enter-from-class="opacity-0 max-h-0"
      enter-to-class="opacity-100 max-h-[1000px]"
      exit-class="transition-all duration-300 ease-out"
      exit-from-class="opacity-100 max-h-[1000px]"
      exit-to-class="opacity-0 max-h-0"


Accordion Mode

This is some example content for the detail item.

When wrapped in a <hyperkit-accordion /> tag, only one detail section can be open at a time, automatically closing others when a new section is expanded.

  <hyperkit-detail-summoner summons="accordionDetail1"><button>Open Detail 1</button></hyperkit-detail-summoner>
  <hyperkit-detail id="accordionDetail1">Detail content 1</hyperkit-detail>

  <hyperkit-detail-summoner summons="accordionDetail2"><button>Open Detail 2</button></hyperkit-detail-summoner>
  <hyperkit-detail id="accordionDetail2">Detail content 2</hyperkit-detail>